
Success Stories

As the parent of a young college student with high-functioning autism, I’m thankful for the dedicated special education professionals who work with a most needy and difficulty student population. My son was driven to clinical depression (1st & 3rd grades- shame on them) in a “good” neighborhood charter school. Teachers there refused to work with IEP required therapists or provide the modifications or accommodations required so he could succeed (I don’t do that in MY class). I found a little nonpublic school outside our district as no options nearby had openings, appropriate settings or wanted our child. I drove a 75 mile round trip – twice a day for 7 ½ years to this little nonpublic school “that could”.

I am forever grateful for the owner/administrator, the teachers and aides for giving my son the chance he deserved. When he was placed, he hit, kicked, screamed, bit people and threw things (all learned at the charter school – he never had such a violent outburst at home until treated so badly). It took one full year before he realized he was “safe” and could sit and attend in class. Once he realized it was ok to be himself, he learned and has been a A/C student ever since. He is now in a community college, takes the bus by himself and is very proud (as are his parents) of his accomplishments. He worked hard, but could not have been able to do so without those wonderful people who gave him the confidence to believe in himself.

I continue to work with other families o students with disabilities in K- 12, because I believe all students have the potential to succeed if we allow them the tools to do so. My son is a sign of hope for the success of their children.

I have no idea what hell end up doing as a profession, but I know he’ll be happy and feel proud in whatever he accomplishes. He could not have come far without the little nonpublic school.

Thank you for giving my son his future.

- Sonja

I cannot say enough about Passageway School. It has made a tremendous difference in both my son’s lives. Both my boys have ADHD and Bi-Polar Disorder, my oldest has ODD and my youngest has PDD and OCD. Needless to say, they are quite a handful and often their behaviors have impeded their learning. Both of them have sever transition issues and middle school was too difficult with their mental states. Passageway has helped them with their issues and made them feel accepted. My younger son is still a student at Passageway and he continues to learn more every day,

Passageway has helped me too. All the behavior problems my boys were having in school were causing me to leave work early or take time off, and affecting my job. I was also feeling discouraged that as their mother I couldn’t “make them do better.” The caring staff and aides made me feel welcome and encouraged me. It was so refreshing not to explain my children and not to have people stare at us like we are crazy. They showed me that all my kids needed was a little extra support to achieve their full potential.

Passageway School changed our life and our family.

- Marilyn

Passageway School was a blessing for my son and for our family!

My son was diagnosed with a mood disorder, anxiety and he was on the Autism spectrum. He had been moved from school to school since 3rd grade due to behavior issues-violent aggressive behavior, eloping from class and numerous other behavioral issues. He was kicked out or asked not to return to most of the schools and programs we had him in. I just knew that if he was at a place where he was comfortable the behavioral issues would go away. We had no idea where he would go and then we came upon Passageway School in Newbury Park. Passageway was our last hope. I had my advocate go look at Passageway and speak with the administrator. Thank Goodness she did. She called me after spending 2 hours there and told me we had to get him into this school. We got him admitted and he made fantastic progress there. His behavior changed over time and he was finally able to work on his academics, which had suffered for many years.

The administrator is an absolutely amazing person. He is so patient with the students. He knew how to listen and talk with my son. I can’t say enough about the office staff and the teachers there too! I do miss everyone!!

He was at Passageway for 5 years and glad to say he just started Newbury Park High School as a Freshman in the Special Ed program and is doing fantastic, something I never thought would ever happen. We all have hopes and dreams for our children even if they have special needs! It would have never been possible if Passageway and all of its staff and teachers hadn’t helped him and pushed him to work hard.

I am so thankful we found Passageway School. I would highly recommend Passageway School to any parent at their wits end who has a great kid but just needs a bit of TLC and understanding.

- Jami

Passageways has been a wonderful school for my non-verbal son with autism. The school is safe, is a great environment for learning, provides sensory stimulation, provides opportunities for greater independent skills and social skills, and is equipped to handle challenging behaviors. The classroom size is good and there are numerous aids to lend a helping hand. The staff are caring and have my child’s best interest in mind. I am very happy my son has such a special place to call school.

- Andrea

Passageway School
1153 Lawrence Drive
Newbury Park, CA 91320

Office: 805-375-4950
Fax: 805-375-4896

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